Monday, February 3, 2014

Learning Update Jan. 29 and Feb. 3

This week in small groups we are focusing on stretching out words. We are also completing the final draft for our book project.

Social Studies/Science
Students are learning about rocks and soils. We have discussed that the Earth is made up of rocks, soil, water, and air. They will need to name these items for the assessment. Then, we investigated all kinds of cool rocks. Next, we will focus on comparing rocks by attributes such as color, hardness, texture, appearance (shiny/dull), etc. When they visit the science lab on Friday, students will test if rocks float or sink. We are also focusing on soil. Soil samples are due Thursday (now Tuesday, Feb. 4). Students will share about their soil sample and will compare their soil with a partner. It is part of their assessment!

SKCS3. Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and
manipulating objects in scientific activities.
SKCS5. Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly.
SKE2. Students will describe the physical attributes of rocks and soils.
a. Use senses to observe and group rocks by physical attributes such as large/small, heavy/light, smooth/rough, dark/light, etc.
b. Use senses to observe soils by physical attributes such as smell, texture, color, particle/grain size.c. Recognize earth materials— soil, rocks, water, air, etc.

This is our final week of our measurement unit. On Monday, we celebreated the 100th day. We are having measurement olympics during the middle of the week (or when we return)! I introduced the winter olympics to students on Tuesday. We watched a short video clip of the Olympic sports on It fascinated the students! Students went to one center on Tuesday and will visit the other two later. Students imitate the ski jump by jumping as far as they can on the carpet. Then, we measure how far they jumped. Students will compare their jumps and try multiple times. The second center revists sorting. No directions are given to the students as they decide the best way to sort a pile of flags from various countries. At the final center students will compare by height. We are comparing students' heights as well as athletes that will compete in this year's Olympics. If your child came home saying they wanted to learn how to do flips in the's my fault. :) The snowboarding tricks were intriguing. After the Olympics, we will complete the assessment. Students will be circling items that are heavier, lighter, taller, shorter, longer, and shorter as well as measuring a given item. Students should know these vocabulary terms as well as know a scale is used to measure weight and cubes/paperclips would measure lenght/height. We will do this now the week of February 3rd and review some other skills for GKIDS. Progress skills checklist will go home Feb. 13th.

MCC.K.MD1  Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight
MCC.K.MD2 Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more of”/”Less of” the attribute, and describe the difference.

Students are gettting to choose topics to write in their journals while I pull students to work on their final drafts for their books. This takes a little while....:) It is nice to see what students choose to write about. On Tuesday, students wrote about what they wanted to do in the snow since it was really coming down outside!

Thanks for all of your flexibility during the past week. I'm glad to hear everybody is safe and enjoyed some time in the snow!

<3 Mrs. Daugherty

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