Sunday, February 9, 2014

Learning Update Feb. 10-13

Good evening,

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Below is an overview of each subject and what we are doing this week.

Social Studies
     This week we begin our two week unit on President's Day. This week we will discuss leadership, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington. Students will listen to books, make some crafts, and watch a short video to support their learning.

SSH1 The student will identify the purpose of national holidays and describe the people/event celebrated. F) President's Day.
SSKH3 The student will correctly use words adn phrases related to chronologty and time to explaing how things change.
SSKG1 The student will describe American culture by explaining divers community and family celebrations and customes related to President's Day.
SSKCG2 The studetn will retell stories that illustrate positive chracter traits and wille xplain how the popele in the stories (Washington, Lincoln, Obama, etc) show teh qualities of honesty, patriotism, loyalty, respect, truth, pride, self-control, moderation, and accomplishment.

     On Monday, we will wrap up our measurement review centers, and students will take the STAR test if they haven't already. The STAR test is a test on the computer that provides feedback on their learning. They take it 3 times during the year.
     The rest of the week we will be starting our addition and subtraction unit. Students will take a pretest to give me knowledge about what they already know. Then, the rest of the week will be spent on story problems. It is critical students develop an understanding of what addition and subtraction means before memorizing math facts. The memorization and equations will come later. This week we will focus on the strategy of acting out story problems.
An example may be: There are 3 kids on the playground. 2 more kids come to the playground. How many students are playing on the playground?
Another example would be: There are 7 frogs on lilypads. 4 jumped off. How many frogs are left on the lilypads?
We will write equations to match the story problems but not yet. Students will focus on if the answer will be more or less than the number they started with. Building this foundation will help them with word problems for years to come. I will keep you updated on the skills we are adding each week. On Thursday, we will have story problems related to candy hearts!

MCCK.OA1,2 Represent and solve additiona and subtraction word problems with objects, fingers, mental impages, drawings, equations, etc.

     Some students will be completing their publishing project. Students will also be writing more persuasive pieces with an opinion and reasons to support their opinion. Students have learned the purpose of persuasive writing is to make the reader agree with you. Students began writing about the best superpower to have on Friday. We will edit their work and complete a final draft this week. Students will also hear a book and develop an opinion if their teacher should be president. :)
Students should be writing 3 phonetically spelled sentences with capitalization and punctuation at this point in the year.

    The letter of the week is v.  In addition to identifying and manipulating ending and middle sounds in small groups, students will review what to do when they come to unknown words in a text. The five strategies we have talked about are:
1) Sound it out
2) Look for chunks
3) Check the picture
4) Think about what makes sense
5) Get your mouth ready
Please review these at home as you read with your child. Also continue to review sight words with speed. Students should be able to read 30 words in a minute by the end of the year. I assessed students on this standard last week so it will be updated on their GKIDS report that will go home Thursday. Also, review characters and setting with your child. A character is a person or animal in a story. A setting is where the story takes place (mountains, farm, school, park, etc).
ELACCKRF3 Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
ELACCKRFd Isoloate and pronounce the inital, medial vowel, and final sounds in three phoneme words (CVC words).
ELACCKRF4 Read emergent texts with purpose and understanding.

- I apologize folders did not make it home on Friday. We had a busy afternoon and somehow skipped folders! They will go home on Monday. Hopefully, you can find all needed information here on the website. If you have any specific questions, please comment or email me.
- No school Friday, Feb. 14th or Monday Feb. 17th. I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!
- Your child may bring in his/her valentines any day this week. Our mailboxes have been decorated! Students will bring them home Thursday. Thank you to everyone who sent in a cereal box or shoebox.

<3 Mrs. Daugherty

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