Sunday, February 23, 2014

Learning Update Feb. 24th

It seems we are getting back to our normal routines...kind of. This week will be Dr. Seuss themed due to the Read Across America event on Friday. See the newsletter or pink letter that was sent home for more information about what to dress up as each day.

We wil have a combination of persuasive writing prompts and Dr. Suess prompts this week. Students will also particpate about some creative writing. At the writing center during literacy centers, students will design a hat and then use describing words to write about it.

We are focusing on stretching out three letter words and identifying beginning, middle, and end phonemes (sounds.) Students may discuss some diagraphs as well in their reading groups (sh, th, ch, etc.) Book in a bags will go home Monday through Thursday this week. Please read the leveled book at home with your child and then return it the next day to school. We reread books often to build fluency and sometimes I need to return them to the library to get a new set of books. I can't return books unless I have the complete set. Some books being sent home will be paper because I printed them from an online A-Z program the school pays for. Thank you. On Friday, students will participate in Dr. Seuss activities all day. Our literacy centers will be suess inspired as well. Students visit 2 centers each day. The centers this week are:
abc- word sort
game- seuss sounds
activboard- letter J writing, word sorts, blending
pocket chart- sorting nonsense words and real words
library- count the number of sight words in a story
creation- design and describe a hat
writing- If Thing 1 and Thing 2 came to my house....
write the room- find words around the room that start with the letters C-A-T-A-N-D-T-H-E-H-A-T
listening- Stop, Drop, and Roll to prepare us for our field trip in March to Safety Town. Students wil identify the characters, setting, beginning, middle, and end.

We are continuing our addition and subtraction unit this week. We are still working with story problems. We discuss if the number is going to get bigger (make plus sign with fingers) or less (make minus sign to take away.) Last week, students used manipulatives and themselves to act out problems. This week students will learn to draw pictures and use their fingers to solve a story problem. In the middle of the week, students will practice writing equations to match the story problem. Ask your child to tell you a story problem. They have been doing well coming up with their own stories!

Social Studies
This week we will once again be discussing presidents. We had to change our pacing with the snow days. I will be assessing students on their knowledge through a cut and paste sort. Students should be able to identify objects that are associated with Lincoln or Washington. Students will describe why we celebrate Presidents Day and share what a monument is. We will be discussing monuments, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Washington Monument on Monday. Lastly, students will pick a president and share something about them. They will have to identify if the president is alive now or was a long time ago. We have talked briefly about Barack Obama so obviously he would be alive now. :)

FYI, I will be out on Wednesday because I am attending a STEM training. STEM stands for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. River Eves wants to be a STEM school next year. This training will provide me with more knowledge and K-2 examples. I'm hoping it will be worth missing a day! A fabulous substitute I have worked with before will be in our classroom as well as Ms. Madojemu. They will have detailed lesson plans about what to do. I will not be there to check sight word folders so students may bring them in, but I will check them Thursday when I return.

I have enjoyed the conferences I have had so far and am looking forward to the ones scheduled this upcoming week. The Gkids reports were sent home last week. The letters at the top stand for:
ND- Not Demonstrating
M- Meeting
EX- Exceeding

The learning approaches abbrievations are:
AC- Area of Concern
DE- Developing
CD- Consistently Demonstrating

You should not be alarmed if a skill is still developing; Also, the writing standards (narrative, informational) will be reassessed in the spring.

Thank you so much for the Valentine goodies! I really appreciate all of the sweet cards, notepads, and candy. Kindergarten is the best grade to teach because they are so loving!!!

<3 Mrs. Daugherty

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