Saturday, October 19, 2013

Week 11

Report cards went home on Friday. Please sign on the line next to the highlighter. Students should return the envelopes on Monday. You may keep your child's report card. In addition to your child's report card, contact information was also included in the envelope. Please look it over and return it as well. If the information is correct, please write correct or no changes and return it. It is extremely important that the school always has accurate contact information. Thanks for your help!

What we did this week:
Reading- Students brainstormed words that start with the letter S. They also worked on sounding and stretching words. When students worked with me in small groups, I was completing the unit 1 reading assessment. Students were assessed on their ability to identify letters, words, beginning sounds, and rhyming words. I will continue the assessment next week.

Writing- Students also had a formal assessment in writing this week. They completed a narrative piece which told a story about a time they were happy or sad. We brainstormed, wrote a rough draft, edited, and wrote a final draft. Students are expected to stretch words and their pictures should match their words. We worked on adding details like who you were with, what you were doing, and where you were, as well as including a beginning, middle, and end. This are concepts that were introduced, but we will work on all year. When I grade the writings, I will look for students beginning to use capitalization, puncutation, and spaces. Students' writing makes great improvements throughout the kindergarten year. I hope you have already noticed some growth at home. I started recording students reading their final piece on Friday. I will finish recording students next week and post the videos on the blog.

Last week, students counted objects in bags and wrote the appropriate number. Students played a game on Friday where they spun a spinner with numbers or number words and had to color in the matching number of spaces on their boards. The goal for last week was for students to match the numerals to that number of objects. We sung Dr. Jean's numeral song to review how to write the numbers 0-10. I also checked in with students one on one on their counting ability.  Our goal is for students to count and label objects 0-20 and count to 100 to meet the kindergarten standards. Please practice counting with your child at home. Students typically get stuck in the teens, 29, or 39. Also work on counting by tens to one hundred.

Social Studies- We discussed Christopher Columbus more this week. Students saw on a map where Columbus wanted to go and where he actually did go. We dicussed character traits of Columbus as well. On Monday, we will discuss items he brought from Europe to the Americas and wrap up our unit.

Science Lab- Students went to the science lab on Friday. They did an experiment with motion. Students investigated cars on various ramps. This lesson will help students as we being our motion unit next week.

Coming up:
- Field trip on Wednesday. I have 2 volunteers (Thanks Brent and Lluvia!) If anybody else is interested, let me know. You are welcome to attend.

- Please return your child's book character parade paper. I plan on making my first trip to the library this week to pick up needed books.
- Please remember to work on your child's All About Me paper that was sent home last week. It is due Oct. 25th. If you need another one please let me know. I am going to plan a lesson incorporated each child's learning style results. Thanks!

- I came across this article and thought I'd share it. It is about things you can do as you read with your child. Click here to read it. The most imporant thing is to read with your child and enjoy that time together.

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Daugherty

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