October Dates:
10/17 Sky Zone 3-7pm
10/23 Field Trip to Teaching Museum North
10/25 REES Fall Festival 4:30-7pm
10/31 Book Character Parade 8am
10/28-11/1 Red Ribbon Week
This week we will....
Review counting by ones and tens. Continue to practice counting and labeling objects. The week after we will work on counting on from a number. For example, count from 6. 6, 7, 8. Students will also learn to sequence numbers. Please practice counting 0-100 by ones and tens with your child at home.
We will complete our narrative writing assessment. Students brainstormed about times they were happy and sad. They chose a topic and wrote a rough draft. This week we will edit and complete the final draft. Next week, we will start learning about informational writing.
Social Studies
Students will learn more about Christopher Columbus this week. We will discuss the things Columbus brought with him to the Americas. We watched a clip on Christopher Columbus from brainpopjr that tells the truth in a child friendly way about Columbus. Students are taught he is an explorer who didn't find America first, but did tell Europe about the Americas. At first, he made a mistake and thought he was in India.
We will be studying the letter s and identifying it at the beginning and ending of words. We will read stories that contain S words. We will also be completing our 9 week reading assessments. I will assess students on their letter sound and identification knowledge. We have also been learning about syllables and rhyming words. You can review these concepts at home. When the assessment is completed, you will see a copy in your child's signed papers.
Signed papers will go home on Wednesday along with a paper about the Book Character Parade. Please fill out the Book Character Parade sheet and return it in your child's folder as soon as possible. It is a fun event, and we want to make sure everyone has a book to go with their costume!
* We can have 2 volunteers come on our field trip on the 23rd. You would not ride the bus; instead, we would meet you at the Teaching Museum. If you are interested, please let me know and I can get you more information.
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