Kindergarten does not have a standardized test. Grades 3-5 does have testing, and I will be pulled to proctor in a 3rd grade class this year. Therefore, on testing days from 8-11ish I will not be in the classroom. I will return as soon as the third graders finish so some days it may be earlier. Ms. Jackson will be implementing my plans during that time. There will be no book in a bags going home. Please make sure your child arrives on time each day. It is important they are in the room prior to 7:40am. No visitors are permitted during the testing period. This means no lunch visitors and no early dismissal. Therefore, please don't schedule any appoinments in the morning in April. I will only be pulled five days but various grades will be testing throughout April so our specials schedule is CRAZY. Seriously, I printed out three different schedules and worked on it for about 30 minutes before I could put it on the specials calendar. Please refer to it each day or pack tennis shoes in your child's bag. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Bullet point version:
- No lunch visitors on testing days.
- Mrs. Daugherty will not be in the classroom on testing day mornings.
- Thursday, April 16th
- Monday, April 20th
- Wednesday, April 22nd
- Friday, April 24th
-Tuesday, April 28th
- Arrive to school on time and no early dismissal until after testing finishes each day.
- Check specials calendar often or pack tennis shoes.
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