Happy February everyone! Last week, we learned about the Groundhog, had a STEM day with magnets, and completed our measurement unit. This week we have more excitement in store!
Students are visiting literacy centers with a letter v theme this week. While they work, I will pull groups for reading and phonics work. Students will bring home 2 books this week in their book in a bag. Please return these books daily. A reading standard we will be focusing on this week is changing a letter to make a new word. For example, I can change hop into hot by changing the ending sound. We will work on changing beginning, middle, and ending sounds with magnetic letters. Some groups will work with blends.
Skills to review from last week: Syllabes, rhyming, ending sounds
We have begun our persuasive writing unit. Persuasive writing shares an opinion or something that you think/want and then the writer gives reasons the reader should agree with them. This is the language I am using with the students. Last week, we read "Hey, Little Ant" which is a conversation between a boy and an ant. They gives reasons why/why not the ant should be squished. Students wrote reasons that were given from the text and then decided if they would squish the ant. They also made an ant during creation center.
This week, we are starting the week with the book "My Teacher for President." The author gives reason his teacher should be president. For example, they both go to meetings, they are both used to people following them (students/secret service), etc. We listed the reasons together on Monday. On Tuesday, students will write if they think their teacher should be president and give reasons. The rest of the week students will be write persuasive pieces sharing their opinion with at least 2 reasons. Some topics will include the best playground, if students should choose their own seats, and if they should do their work with markers.
Skills to review: What is persuasive writing? Stretching words, using correct capitalization and punctuation.
Social Studies
Students have been learning about President's Day. We learned about leaders last week. Students saw pictures of our mayor, governor, and current president. Then, we have been focusing on two presidents: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. This week we are discussing the monuments in Washington to remember them by. On Friday, students will complete the assessment where they will sort pictures that belong to Lincoln or Washington.
Facts to review: Lincoln lived in a log cabin. He is on the penny, wore a tall had, and was our 16th president. Washington was our first president. He is on the quarter and the dollar bill. There is a story about him chopping down a cherry tree and telling the truth.
Last week, students visited measurement centers as I assessed each child. Students were asked to measure the length and weight of a marker using paperclips, cubes, and a scale. They also compared pictures two pictures to identify the heavier/lighter/longer/shorter item. Their results of the test will be in their signed papers.
This week we are beginning our addition and subtraction unit! Students took a pretest to let me know their prior knowledge. This week we are focusing on story problems. We acted them out today. The rest of the week we will go over strategies such as acting it out, using our fingers, or drawing a picture to solve the story problem. As students are ready, we will add a number sentence (equation) to match the story problem. A story problem is like a word problem.
Example 1:
There are 3 ducks in pond. 2 more ducks join them. How many ducks are in the pond?
Example 2:
There are 6 teddy bears. Some kids came in and bought 4 teddy bears. How many bears are left in the store?
I am working with the students to repeat the story problem and visualize it. Then think are more coming or some leaving. THen, will the number get bigger or smaller. Going through these steps promote a deeper understanding and will help with more complex word problems in their future.
- We will celebrate Valentine's Day this Friday. Students are welcome to bring in valentines for every student in our class and deliver them any day this week. Their mailboxes will come home Friday. We will also have a fun, festive snack.
- Please make sure you have sent in a wallet size picture and an Author Profile for students' books. Our author party will be March 31st at 8:00am. Students will share their finished books. We'd love to see you there!
- STEM days are the first Friday of every month and last from 8:00-10:00am. If you are interested in volunteering please let me know.
I hope everyone has a fantastic week!
<3 Mrs. Daugherty
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