Sunday, January 11, 2015

School Family Update 1.5

Upcoming Dates:

Friday-STEM Day; volunteers welcome

Learning Update:
- Please see previous post regarding 2015 changes.

Students will rotate through literacy centers. During centers, I will pull students over to read leveled readers. Students' goals vary. We will be reviewing retelling stories, characters, settings, rhyming words, syllables and blending.

Students will choose a final topic for a how to writing on Tuesday and Wednesday. Students should be writing phonetically with spaces. The first letter should be capital and the rest lower case. Students are still working on where to place endmarks but should be able to identify question marks, periods, and exclamation points. Our next genre is persuasive. Students will be introduced to the concept this week. We will complete some examples together (shared writing). In the following weeks, students will be asked to develop an opinion with and without prompts and give supporting reasons.

Students will begin our measurement unit this week. It is a five week unit. Students will learn about standard and nonstandard units. They will measure items and compare items by lenght, height, and capacity.

Social Studies
Students will begin learning about Martin Luther King Jr.

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