(Just saw this entry was saved and never published.)
One of the activities we did last week with our apples was a float and sink experiment. We spent a few days on floating and sinking. The kids really enjoyed it. The first day each table had the same set of materials and each child put one item in. We discussed as a class if the object floated or sunk. The next day there were various materials on the tables. Students investigated with different materials to discover 2 things that floated and 2 that sunk. They were asked to watch for clues or patterns to identify which items did what. The pictures below are from this day. The third day we discussed ideas and misconceptions about floating and sinking. We discussed it didn't matter if something had a whole (a plastic donut will float but a paperclip will sink.) Students learned that the weight of an object and its composition determine if an item will float or sink.