Monday, September 29, 2014


Our room parent, Megan Hart, took tons of pictures at our Boosterthon Fun Run on September 17th. The kids have gotten to look through most of them. They were enthralled as I was calling kids for the restroom and water. Here is the link.

Below are some pictures of just our class after the run.

Career Visits

We had two more career visits from a firefighter and Roswell Recycling. The kids learned about fire stafety as well as what to recycle and what not to.

September STEM

STEM day will occur the first Friday of each month. We start with a book read on the announcements. This month is was Rosie Revere. Then, students have a challenge that relates the book. They brainstorm and plan solutions in their stemfolios. The September challenge was to make a plane using a straw and 2 shapes. Students could choose what shapes, what size, and the distance between them. They wanted their plane to fly the farthest. After a first try, students were able to make changes and try again. Each stem day we will emphasize the importance of never giving up and critical thinking. These are important each and everyday in school. Below are some pictures from our first stem day.


Friday, September 19, 2014

School Family Update Sept. 19th

Alot happened this week. Students participated in their first fun run. We celebrated Owen, Fernanda, and Matthew's birthdays. We also said farewell to our friend Matthew as he will be going to a different school next week. He will be missed. Below is what we've been working on in academics.

Students participated in literacy centers for the first time this week! They did very well learning the routines which include finding their centers and working independently. Students visit 2 centers each day. The centers are: listening, creation, writing, pocket chart, library, Activboard, ABC, write the room, computer, and game center. The students enjoy them because they think they are playing. They also have the chance to move around more which all kindergartners need!

Next week is letter A week. We have so many fun apple activities next week we will be skipping centers. However, we will return to centers the following week. Please have your child bring an apple (any color) to class on Monday. We will be tasting them and discussing describing words in writing. We will make apple pizzas and write the recipe on Friday. Morning work activities will all be apple themed. In reading, we will identify words that start the /a/. We will also be discussing the -am word family.

Students finished their handwriting journals today! They will take them home next week. Hopefully you can already see the progress in their handwriting. Next week, we are focusing on our narrative unit and the components of a sentence. Students will be learning:
- Sentences are made up of words that have spaces in between them.
- Sentences start with a capital letter and the rest are lower case.
- Sentences have an endmark.

Students will continue to write daily and practice stretching their words. We do not tell students how to spell words but can help say the word slowly to hear the sounds. The goal is for students to get at least two sounds per word.

We started our first science unit which if physical properties. Students are learning different ways to describe and sort objects. Students sorted and compared heavy and light objects in the room. Students practiced sorting by color, shape, size, and other attributes with varoius manipulatives.

Next week, students will learn words to describe an object's composition. Is it wood, plastic, paper, fun, etc? There will also be a floating and sinking experiment.

This week students continued working with 2D and 3D shapes. We played a game called shape detective where I gave clues about a shape, and the class had to guess which shape it was. This is a fun review game to play at home. Students should be able to name shapes and describe them with number of corners, number of sides, and flat/solid.

Next week, we will spend more time comparing 2 shapes with similiarites and differences. While I am working in small groups on this concept, students will be working collaboratively to sort shape information. On Wednesday, I will begin assessing math unit 1. Copies of the completed assessment will be in the next signed papers.

Pictures of our first center rotation, STEM day, and Fun Run will be shared in the near future.

Thanks for stopping by!

~Mrs. Daugherty

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Padlet- Student Goals UPDATED

Each child has their own padlet. Throughout the year, videos and pictures of your child will be posted to their padlet. Click on your child's wall and enter the password. The password is your child's birthday 00-00-0000. For example, mine would be 01-18-1988. You may leave a message back to them if you like! You may also go right to their page by typing's name). Ex: We will be posting on the padlets throughout the year.

To access their padlet:

Ahmet John

I hope you enjoy it! Please post if you are able to get on or if you have any problems. It's my first time using this website. I'm excited about it but realize there can be struggles with technology sometimes.

Friday, September 5, 2014

School Family Update September 5th

We had a wonderful week in kindergarten! Below is some more information about what we learned this week and what we will be studying next week.

We are working on Alphabet journals where students trace and write two letters of the alphabet each day. Then, they draw a picture that starts with that letter. Last, students write a word or sentence to match their picture. We completed pages J and K today. Next week, we will do letters L-U. When the journal is completed it will be sent home.

This week students focused on learning the letter m. We had an M chant, and students sorted pictures that started with M and did not. Next week, students will learn more and share about the letter R. They will complete a Rainbow R. We will read Rainbow Fish and brainstorm words with /r/.

Our current math unit is shapes. Students have identified 2D shapes such as rhombus, square, triangle, rectangle, circle, and hexagaon. We counted the sides and corners on each shape. On Thursday, we began discussing 3D shapes. These are solid shapes versus the 2D flat shapes. The 3D shapes we have discussed are sphere, cylinder, cone, and cube. Next week we will continue to work on identifying 3D shapes and identifying shapes as flat or solid.  Students will also learn the word face in relation to shapes.

Social Studies
We completed our rules, maps and globe unit. Students did well learning new vocabulary and sharing why we have rules. Their rubric for this unit will be in the next signed papers. This week and next week we are learning about Labor Day and community helpers. We sang a song about Labor Day (hopefully, I can upload the video soon). Students should know that Labor Day celebrates those who work.  We have discussed different jobs in our community. We will build on this next week when we have Ms. Tejada come and a recycling worker from Roswell come share at our Kindergarten Career Day. Next week, students will also learn about goods and services. A job provides a good or a service. A good is like making something (ex: a baker), and a service job is somebody like a hairdresser. Sometimes it can by tricky.

*If anybody is interested in talking or skyping with the class about your job please let me know! We love to expose the kiddos to a variety of careers.

It may seem silly to talk about careers so much in K. We do end our unit with students sharing what they want to be when they grow up. It is also a Fulton County goal to have students college and career ready. This starts in kindergarten by having College Days and introducing careers. Please take a moment to share with your kids about a job somebody does in the family.

Mrs. Daugherty

Monday, September 1, 2014

Sharing Schedule

Students will have sharing homework every week. Items to share should start with the letter of the week or relate to something we are learning about. Next week, it should be something that starts with the letter M or relate to shapes/maps/Labor Day. Sharing is fun for the students but also builds their speaking skills which is one of our kindergarten standards. Each child has an assigned day.

Monday: Ahmet John, Allison, Amiyah, Anahita

Tuesday: Asha, Ava, Courtney, Cydnee, Eliza

Wednesday: Fernanda, Gabriel, Kayla, Lillian, London

Thursday: Matthew, Milley, Olivia, Noah, Owen

Friday: Ron, Sammy, Valentina

(Friday's have less because we are packing up towels and will announce our star student. Next semester, treasure box day will be Friday.)

~Mrs. Daugherty